Practice Areas

Real Estate Law

We assist in matters related to territorial planning and the constitution or modification of horizontal property regulations and matters related to this type of property.

In addition, we analyze property titles and contracts of use, to determine if the property has been acquired legally and if there are any encumbrances or limitations to the property. We also propose recommendations for the acquisition and disposal of real estate.

Administrative Law

We provide advice on contracting with the public sector, in processes in general, in the preparation and review of administrative clauses and other documents that are part of the contracting process.

Likewise, we provide guidance in discussions and attention to requirements with state entities of the national, departmental, and municipal levels.

Wealth Management

We structure instruments for the protection of personal and family wealth, to reduce the risk of assets being exposed to third parties, and at once lead to the generational transfer of assets, proposing tax-efficient schemes.

We advise on the preparation and review of family protocols, marital and marital contracts, dissolutions, and liquidations of marital or patrimonial companies, wills, civil trusts, and constitution of corporate or fiduciary schemes, among other mechanisms.

Private Law

We provide services in civil, commercial, civil liability and insurance, competition and consumer protection, and family matters, related to the personal, patrimonial, and commercial spheres of individuals.

We advise on obligations arising from contracts entered between individuals or extra-contractual acts, which have an impact on their relationship with other persons, for which we prepare or review documents to clearly regulate their legal effects, mitigating the risks that may exist.

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Blockchain & criptoactivos

Technological developments and the data economy have brought with them various investment and monetization possibilities different from the traditional ones, through the creation of crypto assets, such as cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens - NFT (Non fungible tokens - NFT).Non fungible tokens – NFT).

We seek to provide knowledge and security to our clients in these new assets, based on blockchain technology for them to make informed and consistent decisions in their personal and business wealth.

Entertainment Law
Digital environments have become the most efficient way to monetize a business, a product, or a personal image. With this in mind, we have put all our legal expertise in fields such as e-commerce, data management, intellectual property, and taxation at the service of influencers and innovation start-ups.
Intellectual Property
We support innovation and creativity through the design and implementation of strategies for the protection and management of intellectual property assets.

We advise on trademarks, patents, industrial designs, copyrights, and image rights, implementing efficient mechanisms to protect your intangible assets.

Litigios & Resolución de Conflictos

We offer litigation and dispute resolution services in our areas of practice, both contractual and extra-contractual.

We provide advice, accompaniment, and representation in jurisdictional processes before judicial, arbitral, and administrative authorities. In addition, we provide support in the negotiation of disputes in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as direct agreement, conciliation, and amicable composition.

Derecho Ambiental & Minero

We provide guidance in the adoption of strategies that allow entrepreneurs to mitigate, manage and control the effects that their industrial activity has on the environment and natural resources, so that there is a better use and conservation of these.

That is why we have designed a broad portfolio of environmental, mining and agro-industrial issues to safeguard species and water sources, through the exercise of environmentally conscious economic activities.

Labor Law

We advise on the legal management of human relations arising from labor relations, in order to achieve compliance with the obligations of employers and workers. 

In the development of the above, we prepare and review employment contracts, internal work regulations and other instruments that arise on the occasion of the labor relationship with national or foreign persons. 

Tax Law

Our advice in tax law includes a wide range of services in tax matters, tax planning and foreign exchange market operations; seeking that our clients find support when complying with their formal obligations and develop efficient investments from the financial point of view.

Likewise, our experience in these matters involves the defense of our clients in processes and procedures for the determination and control of their taxes.

Corporate Law

We advise commercial and social companies (non-profit entities) on corporate, financial, and foreign exchange matters, so that they can develop their activity efficiently and in accordance with legal regulations. We also offer support in meetings of corporate bodies, investments from and to foreign countries, preparation or review of documents and contracts that arise in the development of commercial activity, and we resolve doubts about aspects of the commercial operation to advise the most efficient and safe way to proceed.

In addition, we provide guidance in the structuring of bylaws, corporate governance protocols, shareholder agreements, corporate reorganizations, incorporation, dissolution, and liquidation of companies, as well as in the handling of mergers, acquisitions, and spin-offs, and in corporate due diligence processes, with a view to ensuring that the incorporation and growth of a company is sound.

Corporate Law

We advise commercial and social companies (non-profit entities) on corporate, financial, and foreign exchange matters, so that they can develop their activity efficiently and in accordance with legal regulations. We also offer support in meetings of corporate bodies, investments from and to foreign countries, preparation or review of documents and contracts that arise in the development of commercial activity, and we resolve doubts about aspects of the commercial operation to advise the most efficient and safe way to proceed.

In addition, we provide guidance in the structuring of bylaws, corporate governance protocols, shareholder agreements, corporate reorganizations, incorporation, dissolution, and liquidation of companies, as well as in the handling of mergers, acquisitions, and spin-offs, and in corporate due diligence processes, with a view to ensuring that the incorporation and growth of a company is sound.


Committed to providing comprehensive services, and aware of the importance of that companies require professionals with extensive experience in the different productive sectors of the economy, these are the industries in which most of our services are categorized: Real Estate & Construction, Food & Beverages, Mining & Natural Resources, Financial, Creative Industries, Services, Software, Metalworking and Agroindustrial.


Real estate






Mining &




Our team is made up of professionals ready to
advise you from different areas of knowledge.

Ricardo Jaramillo Restrepo
Ricardo Vélez Múnera
Mónica Vargas Toro
María Ximena Monclou Llorente
Juan Manuel Velásquez García
Ómar Arley Álvarez Román
Partner Accountant
Daniela Valencia Arbeláez
Santiago Yepes Ruiz
María Fernanda Ortiz Castillo
Samuel Cuadros Passos
Emmanuel Graterol Gómez
Legal Assistant
María Margarita Martínez Llanos
Natalia Andrea Martínez Pineda
Social Communicator
María Camila Corrales Valencia
Collection Advisor
Karol Viviana Zapata Jiménez
Analista Contable
Carlos Alberto Vitola Díaz
Revisor Fiscal
Nuevo concepto DIAN
Matilde Esther Parra Benítez
Accounting and Finance Assistant
Ana María Rodríguez Paniagua
Accounting and Finance Assistant
Vanessa Bedoya Román
Administrative Coordinator


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